Videonystagmography/ Electronystagmography
Videonystagmography (VNG) or Electronystagmography (ENG) testing is completed to assess the function of the inner ear and central ocular motor system. Testing is completed using either video goggles (Videonystagmography) or sticker electrodes (Electronystagmography) that are placed on the forehead and around the eyes.
VNG or ENG testing assesses four systems that dictate movements of the eyes, including saccades, smooth pursuit, gaze and optokinetics. Toward the end of the VNG/ENG testing, the clinician will stimulate the inner ear balance system using an air irrigator. During this time, you will be asked to keep your eyes open so that the video goggles or electrodes can record movements of the eyes in response to the air stimulation. Caloric testing allows the clinician to compare the response of the balance system between the right and left ears and can help differentiate if a unilateral or bilateral vestibular weakness is present.