Published on March 26, 2019
Four ways to “spring clean” your health
Want to start off the spring season feeling de-cluttered, cleansed and ready to start fresh with your health? Here are four simple ways to kick your healthy habits up a notch.
De-clutter your medicine cabinet
When you’re feeling ill, the last thing you want to do is fumble through an unorganized medicine cabinet only to find expired bottles. Take a few minutes and go through your cabinet. The best place to store most over-the-counter items is in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing them in a bathroom, if possible. Check expiration dates on all items so you can replace any medicines that are expired. Some items may start to smell when they reach expiration. If there are prescriptions or over-the-counter medicines that are expired or you no longer need them, stop by any local drop-off points you can use for free, safe disposal.
Get outside
Now that the weather is getting warmer and the daylight lasts longer, make it a point to get outside. Walking is good for your cardiovascular system, burns calories and it’s free! A little fresh air and sunshine can also lower your stress and improve your mood. Instead of meeting a friend for a meal, meet them for a walk. Walking on your own? Enjoy the chirping birds or bring some music while you walk. Schedule your walks and workouts on your calendar so you are less likely to miss them.
Schedule screenings and doctor appointments ahead of time
Regular check-ups help reveal potential health problems sooner and reinforce healthy behaviors, so it is important to get these appointments on your calendar. If you haven’t seen a primary care physician in the past year or more, you should schedule an annual physical as soon as possible. These appointments will also help keep you up-to-date on age-appropriate screenings and immunizations, and many insurances cover annual physicals. If you are in need of a primary care physician, please call our Find a Doc line at (319) 369-4444.
Allergy-proof your house
Dust mites are most commonly found in bedrooms, so wash blankets and linens often to help combat indoor allergies. Wipe smooth surfaces, like ceiling fans and baseboards, with a cloth to remove built-up dust. Don’t forget to replace your furnace filters as well.