Be Spiritually Well
When we think about our overall wellness, fitness, diet, and maybe even stress management come to mind. But what about our spiritual wellness? This often gets overlooked in our overall sense of wellbeing; however, spiritual wellness is as equally important to our wellbeing as our physical or mental wellness.
Spiritual wellness is the process by which we seek meaning and purpose in our lives. Just how fitness can look different for everyone, so can practicing our spiritually. For some it may be organized religion and prayer, and for others it may be meditation or yoga. It can even be as simple as taking time to consider your values and beliefs. When we take care of our spiritual health, we find meaning in our lives, feel a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and are better able to cope with things out of our control.
Determining Your Values and Living Them Out
To live a spiritually fulfilled life, we must first have a clear understanding of our values. Simply put, values are beliefs or opinions that influence how we live our lives. They help shape our personality and who we are as individuals. Take some time to think about what qualities or behaviors are most important to you. You might even try Googling “examples of values” to gain some inspiration. Simply take note of which qualities stand out to you the most and consider why they are meaningful.
Once you have a list of values, choose your top 3-5 and write down three or more actions that demonstrate each value. Next, begin to think on the flipside and write down an instance when you did something that did not reflect each value. Then, consider how you could change your behaviors to live out each value in the future. Check in with these values often and reflect on the ways in which you have actively lived each of them out in your life. You may find that the more connected you are to your values, the more you live them out and the more fulfilled you feel.
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